Journal Club

USP CEU Faculty of Medicine

Sign up here:


Until further notice, all journal club sessions will take place in Spanish. Refer to the Spanish page for the schedule.


  • What is the purpose of the club?

    The idea of the journal club is to discuss interesting research and developments in medicine. Let's get together to celebrate the scientific process, share perspectives, learn a lot, and most importantly enjoy every moment along the way!

  • Can I come?

    Sure! Whether you're studying physiotherapy, medicine, psychology, or something totally unrelated - everyone is welcome!

  • What kinds of articles can I bring?

    You can bring any peer-reviewed published paper related to the topic of the meeting. This includes clinical trials, narrative reviews, case studies, basic science, and everything in between!

    Find an aspect of the paper which piques your interest. This could be anything, good or bad!

  • Do I have to bring anything?

    While you aren't required to bring anything, we highly encourage that you do if you feel comfortable!

Have any further questions, or not sure how to get access to the science? Send me a message at [email protected]

Thanks to Zeph Scamps and Pierre Serrot for being co-organizers!